Saturday, 23 October 2010

Taylor Momsen, what happened?

It seems these days that everyone is trying to get older. You see kids smoking and drinking from thirteen years old and dressing waaaaaay older than they should. Its scary. I mean, take Taylor Momsen for example. She was great as Jenny on Gossip Girl and I think her band the Pretty Reckless is awesome, but look at her. In the past year her image has gone from cute girl next door to someone who wears barely any clothes. It's not that I have anything against Taylor or the whole grunge look, believe me I love it. But is saying things such as "My best friend is my vibrator" such a great idea? Hmm, I don't think so.

She also said on her twitter page "I'm not trying to be a role model" and if your kids follow her then she "doesn't care". As I said before, I like her, but really? I like some of her grunge looks, but theres a difference between grungeand strippers. I'm laughing as I write this because I realise I prbably sound like a old-fashioned grandma right now, but I'm not! I swear. Me and my friends (your typical London teenagers) were talking about Taylor, and the majority preferred the old Taylor. So I think maybe lose the suspenders in the next picture, darling...

We used to see her out and about with a smile on her face, now her trademark panda eyes and "i don't care" grimace are all we see. She recently flashed the audience at one of her shows in New York. Come on...

I'm interested in what you people think, let me know :)